In economic difficult times like now, every buck saved is important. Checking out prices online before heading to the store is therefore a must for me.
After we moved to the US, I learned quickly that here prices can be very different. For example, recently I bought a new digital camera that was offered at $ 230 in one store and at almost $ 400 in another. In both cases, the price was only for the camera body, no extras involved.
Like many people, I don't like so much buying online (though I do it); it's for safety reasons and because I like to see what I buy. However, price comparing websites help me to find the right stores - and sometimes, after having seen the product in a store, I still end up buying it online.
Some of my favorite websites:
And for those of you, who are hitting the road during the summer, check out the best gas prices at
1 comment:
Thanks for the wonderful websites for online money saving..!
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