Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cat friendship

Though I'm living now for more than 20 years in constant company with cats, they still have the ability to amaze me. My two tomcats are normally not very friendly with other cats, and there have been several visits to the vet in the past for infected scratches and bites. Thus, I was a little concerned when a neighbor asked me whether we could take her cat in for a couple of days. Another tomcat.

To my surprise it worked out without any problems. Jamie, the white longhaired half blind guest cat was submissive and mellow (even if it looks different in the picture) and Maxi, my cat battle tested red one apparently liked him. If there is love on first sight for cats then it happened between these two.
Jamie, who is now a constant guest in our house, is shadowing Maxi, and they even sleep next to each other. My other grey cat is like the fifth wheel: ignored from Jamie and Maxi, but Lucky seems to be fine with that.

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