Monday, April 28, 2008

Stick to your goals with web contract

Are you good at achieving your goals, or are you like me? I make plans to get up earlier in the morning, to read more, or to eat more often fruit, and then after a few days, I'm back to the old me. Some goals, I just can't achieve by myself. Mostly because I'm not really passionate about them. It's more a "you should" thing than what I really want. I understand that an apple is good for my health, but chocolate, or a cookie tastes better. I should eat apples, but I want cookies. A couple of days ago, I read about a new website that seems promising for people like me. Apparently, I could increase my goal success by making a public pledge. Read more

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day for Newbies

Today is Tax Day, which means, today are your statements about income taxes due. The Federal Government and all the US states requires this information to make sure that everyone paid taxes.
For Americans, this is not new. Since 1955 Tax Day is on April 15 of each year. However, for many immigrants Tax Day is unusual.
In Germany and Austria for example, where I lived, worked and paid taxes before, many people never file a tax return. Reason being: It's the employers duty to deduct the tax before handing out your pay check. They must make sure that everyone pays the correct amount. Those, who throughout the year have the same employer and no big changes in their personal situation don't need to file a tax return. Taxes are paid, they are all set.
Only those, who work two jobs, join pension funds, or became parents may need or wish to file a return. If you owe tax because you worked two jobs, you must file ( in Austria, within the next 5 years). However, if you may get a refund because you became eligible for special deductions, filing a tax return is voluntary. (Of course, the governments hope that in refund cases , some people may be too lazy or uninformed to do the paperwork). In Austria, we also don't know "joint filing" of tax returns for spouses. Everyone is responsible for his/her own tax based on individual income.
Now, if you are new to the American tax system, you may have already done your tax return with the help of an tax accountant. We hired one this year - for the first time, because I started last year my coaching business . In the years before, we did our return with the help of tax software and the informative IRS website. As we found out this year- we have done it correctly and saved a lot of money. The tax accountant did the return exactly the same way as our previous returns have been, which means: next year, we will go back to software, which costs much less.
If you are still struggling with your return, and need some help, check out the IRS website. Filers, with income below $54 000 even get free help and support for e-filing. The website provides information about how to file or how to apply for an extension, and info about the rebate check that will come sometimes in May: .
A few post offices have extended hours today. Info about the mailing of tax returns and office hours are posted on .

Monday, April 7, 2008

Immigration News

There have been recently good and bad news for US-immigrants:
Let's start with the good news: Foreign students, who are getting degrees in science, engineering, math, and technology will have it easier in future to stay in the USA. If their future employers comply with an 'immigration verification program' of the Homeland Security Department, the student worker will have 29 months until they must have received an H-1B-Visa. Until now, the time frame has been 12 months, which was often not long enough for the paperwork being processed.
Bad news: Rhode Islands's governor Donal Carcieri ordered recently State Police, prisons and other state agencies to help enforce immigration laws and to turn identified illegal immigrants over to federal authorities. According to the Boston Globe some illegal immigrants, who live in Massachusetts, are now afraid to visit friends and relatives in Rhode Island, fearing a traffic stop could result in deportation.
A few numbers: According to the US Census Bureau ( , there are 22 millions immigrants in the United States (total population: just under 300 millions). A recently published study about foreign workers in Massachusetts showed that immigrants now make up more than a quarter of the workforce in the health care field in MA. According to the study, in 2005 approx. 40 % of pharmacists and almost 30 % of physicians and surgeons were foreign born.