Monday, March 31, 2008

Laughter and Health

Everyone says that laughter is the best medicine. Is it really? More on http:/

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Finally, a beautiful spring day in New England

Today was a beautiful early spring day, and I enjoyed being outside doing the first garden clean up work. While my husband repaired the deck, and my son played baseball with his buddy, I was raking leaves. Our neighborhood cats Romeo and Blue paid us a brief visit.

When I discovered that two beautiful rose bushes didn't survive the winter, I was a little sad. Well, on the positive side, now I can buy myself new ones.

Spring is always so late here. My friends in Austria are sending me already pictures of their blooming spring gardens, and here I just have 2 small yellow crocus. Being an outdoor person, the Massachusetts spring weather is hard on me. During nights, we still have temperatures in the 20s. It will probably be for three more weeks like that, sometimes nice, sometimes rainy and cold at night; then we will have approximately three weeks of really beautiful spring weather and in mid May the hot summer could start. At least, the birds are already coming back and enjoying us in the morning with their beautiful songs.

By the way: Recently I read an interesting article that donating to charity will increase the level of happines for the giving person. Read about it on my other blog:

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bird feeding by hand

On Easter sunday, we decided that it is finally time for a hike again. The sun was shining brightly, though the temperatures were more on the cold side. We went to the Ipswich River
Sanctuary of the Audobon society in Massachusetts.

After about an hour hike, we suddenly came upon a couple of people, standing completely still with outstretchend hands. As it turned out, they had bird seeds on the palm of their hands, and were waiting for birds. We didn't have seeds with us, but a nice lady shared a few seeds with my boys, and soon they felt the little birdfeet trying to hold on to their hands while picking the seeds. I thought it was very nice of the lady to give my boys the seeds, and I also thought, this is a typical American behavior. In my home country Austria, most people wouldn't have shared, probably wouldn't even have noticed.

More pictures on my German blogs:

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring begins

Today is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. It's the vernal equinox ,when there is an equal amount of daytime and nightime hours. Happy spring, everyone!
(Although I must say, it's not feeling like that. It's rainy and cold outside, more like winter)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bald Eagle Sightings

A few years ago, we had two young bald eagles in our neighborhood in Arlington, MA. They stayed all winter long, but left in spring and didn't come back. This year, we are happy to again have one of these majestic birds. The bald eagle sits most of the time high up in one of the trees near the lake and waits for any signs of his prey.